

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


 -Olive skin: type of skin between brown and white.
-Pedestrian crossing: zebra crossing
- Pale: very white
-sun tanned: moreno
- sniff: smell
- "When in Rome , do as the romans do": behave as the other people if you travel to foreign countries
- Actually: en realidad
- Pins the blame: echar la culpa
-Blurs: when you can´t see properly
- Motto: frase hecha
- terrific time: brilliant
- "Save and sound": sanos y salvos
 - steam: vapor
 failure: fracaso
-No wonder!!: ¡¡y de que forma!!
-though: aunque


- Taking time off from work: Días libres
- Board: get on the plane
- Hostel: low cost
-Motel: medium cost
- Hotel: expensive
-travel arrangements: all that is necessary for going on vacations
- Itenerary: itinerario
-Boarding pass and passport: the documents you need for traveling
-Book a flight: reservar un vuelo
-currency: money
- Luggage/buggage/carry on: equipaje
- suitcase: maleta
- couch surfer
- miss your train: perder el tren
- catch the train: coger el tren


-give away: give things you don´t use
- give up: rendirse
- give back: devolver
- give in: surrender/ you cannot do something
- meet: conocer
-Know: saber
- get around: dar una vuelta
- Get on: subir en autobús, tren avión...
- get off: bajar de un autobús, tren, avión...
-get in: subir en un coche
- get out: bajar de un coche
-get ahead: sucess
- gett back: volver
- on time: you arrive in the last moment
-in time: you arrive before


-Living it up: enjoyning
-Hood: short for neighborhood
-dude: you/colega
- alrighty: okay
- what´s up : what´s going on?
-that's hecka cool!!: very cool!!
- Let's bail!!: pirarse
- that food was a bomb!!: tasty
-Bro, why you are putting me on blast ?: embarrase someone
-Why did you call me out in front of ...: reveal another's mistake
- super awesome: great
-you are rocking those clothes!!: wearing it with style
-heavy: very sad


-Scare the living daylights out of you: make someone scared
-gave up the ghost: stop working
-scared stiff: very frightend
-As if you've seen a ghost: very white and pale
- gives me the creeps: make someone uncomfortable
- scaredy-cat : coward
- come back to haunt you: be a mistake(karma)
-ghost town: deserted


-mysterious: misterioso
-haunted: encantado
-dark: oscuro
-spooky: siniestro
-gloomy: dark/ cold place sitio sombrío
-alley: narrow and dark street
churchyard: the back of the church
- graves: tumbas
- deed: strange writting
- shriek: grito