State: The supreme public power within a sovereign political entity
Sovereignty: The authority to rule over an area. In a democracy, the people have sovereignty because they vote for the government
Constitution: A collection of a country's fundamental laws that shape the government, institutions and rights and obligations of citizens
Democracy: A government in which the people have power, exercised either directly or through elected representatives
Monarchy: Form of government in which the head of state reside in one person, usually a king or queen, through heredity and lifelong.
Dictatorship: A system of government in which one person with absolute power governs. they are supported by a political party, an ethnic group or the army
Globalisation: The integration and development of worldwide economic system
Regional: Relative to the region
Cultural diversity: The quality of diverse or different cultures
Universal suffrage: All adults can vote in elections of a democratic system
Legislative power: Make the laws. It is done by the parliament
Executive power: Execute the laws and the state policy. It is done by the government
Judicial power: Apply the laws and judge and punish the citizens who break it. It is done by the tribunals
Supranational: Beyond the authority of one national government
Mass culture: A worldwide culture characterised by similar patterns of consumption
UN: Is a supranational organisation composed of over 190 member states. It was founded in 1945 to promote peace, security and economic development
NGO: An entity with humanitarian and social aims
Civil servant: A person who occupies a position or employment in the public service
Justice: Law, reason, fairness
Liberty: Freedom
Subsidiarity: Trend from state to subsidize community or private agencies
Culture: The knowledge, ideas, traditions and customs that characterize a people or an age
Multiculturalism: the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation
Interculturalism: It affects or refers to two or more cultures
Referendum: Juridical procedure by which is subjected to popular vote a law or a matter of special
Elections: Elections that we held to elect the representatives of the political parties in the House of Representatives and Senate
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